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Crowdsim UU Integration

Software Project Icon Title: Crowdsim UU Integration
Awards: -
Release Date: TBA

Media: Images

1. Summary

Simulating a big crowd realistically is a big problem in computer science. Utrecht University is developing a system which can do just that. However, to make it usable for developers, it should be integrated in game engines like Unity3D. The game level should be filtered such that only walkable areas are left and then should be converted in the right data format for the system.

2. Application

The applications for this system is numerous. A few examples are crowd simulation in games such as Assassin's creed or evacuation simulations.

3. Background Information

In the last year of the bachelor program ten others and I had to develop something for an (external) company in about six months. I led the team throughout these six months and was responsible for the editor.

Media: Images

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